Welcome to my site!!

Hellooo, Im Pelu!!

have a neko, it will give you company!! (top left of your screen, click for it to follow you!!)

Hello, I am Pelu or Pelusa, I am a internet user just like you, im glad you stumbled upon my site!!

But first of all let me introduce myself, I am a huge TV Girl fan and I also love The Smiths and any other kind of sad pop/rock, I adore shoegaze and breakcore but over all i like all music, i listen to a lot of artists so feel free to check my liked artists!! btw pls send recommendations on the chatbox or just leave your opinion (I dont bite... too hard)

I am open to most music, anyways, leaving music behind I also love videogames and any other sort of media really, I love war or drama movies, but I also watch other stuff, have you heard my playlist?? Because you should, now! now!! NOW!!!

I hope you like it <3

Getting more personal

More into me, I adore cars and nature, I speak both english and spanish completely fluently and I love.. LOVE!! cats, I also prefer winter over the summer and love night!!

But switching topic, I am a person who has always been in the internet, I've been on it since I have memory, this doesnt means im like 70, im quite young.. Im just really in touch with the internet, almost as it was a limb for me or even a part of my brain, as any other human, I grew, had friends, both gitlfriends and boyfriends but the internet was always there, I appreciate you Interent people, both nice and terrible people hide within the internet and yet its a surprising!! I believe everyone should have an internet expirience like mine where I stumbled with fascinating people!! Have you???

Bye bye, for now!! :)
